Our new player spotlight is on Meghan Klingenberg of the US Women's National Team! Meghan was kind enough to take some time and answer a few questions on her career, the sport she loves, traveling to the Olympics, and playing right here at PISA when she was younger. PISA is proud to salute our very own Meghan Klingenberg and wish her all the best! GO USA!!

Scroll down for our  Q & A with Meghan!​​
What does it feel like to be named to the US National Team and represent your country in the sport that you love?

Every time I place my hand over my heart, standing in red, white and blue, when the US national anthem is playing, I become overwhelmed by the different emotions running through my head. Luckily that only lasts while the music is playing. It’s something that I’ve wanted to be a part of since I was a little girl playing at PISA. Realizing your dream after many years of work and preparation is an experience that I hope everyone can have at least once.

From Pittsburgh to London, how was the experience of the Olympics?

The Olympics is a wonderful, global event. I’m honored to have been a part of it, but it made me want more. I didn’t play a minute at the London Games and it was bittersweet watching my team put gold medals around their necks from the stands. I was joyous for them, but it was something I desperately wanted to be a part of. I made the next four years a priority to get better so I can be involved this time around.

What is your favorite moment as a professional so far?

Playing in the Champion’s League Final against Wolfsburg. We lost, but it was one of the biggest stages I’ve ever been able to play on.

What is the best thing about being a professional athlete, and have you met any of your favorite professional athletes?

At the Olympics, a teammate and I played ping-pong against Neymar and Marcelo from Brazil. It was a highlight of our trip.

Do you enjoy playing any other sports?

I love sports! I don’t get much time to practice other sports now but I love to watch football and hockey.

You played at PISA when you were younger, what do you think of the arena and the role it played in your development?

The great thing about PISA is that it kept me training year round. Without having the opportunity to train through the winter, I would not have been able to develop the skills I need now at the highest level.

You've been all over the map, where are some of your favorite places and why?

I don’t think that I can pick a favorite place. When you travel as much as me you start to find little wonders in every place you visit. If I had to name a few though, Stockholm holds a very special place in my heart because I lived there for two years. The city is filled with great coffee shops and has sunlight all day during the summer. It’s wild! Rome has wonderful food and incredible history. The caves of New Zealand were filled with glowworms that looked like stars in the night sky.

Tell us a little about your MK Soccer Camp, and MK Foundation.

The Meghan Klingenberg Soccer Camp is something that I hold very dear. It is a way for me to give back to my community and be involved in the growth of soccer in the Pittsburgh area. The camp is special because it is able to provide more than just soccer training. We decided that we wouldn’t be constrained by the expectations for a typical youth soccer camp. With this in mind, we are able to delve into areas that campers have never trained before like leadership, nutrition, positive self-talk and mental toughness. Coaching the campers in these areas not only prepares them for soccer, but their future lives as well.

What are some of your aspirations after playing soccer?

I was a business major in college and I loved working with start-ups. I’m currently working on my public speaking and am looking to get involved in keynote addresses and broadcasting. I am not ready for soccer to be over, but I know that I have other things that I want to accomplish when I’m done as well.

Who are some of the players you looked up to when you were coming up through the ranks of youth soccer?

Michelle Akers and Zinedine Zidane

What advice would you give our younger players here at PISA?

Dream big and chase those dreams until they can become a reality. Dreaming is easy, but doing is hard.